2023 - IFLR1000 APAC Rankings

Skrine continues to be ranked Tier 1 in M&A, Project Development: Energy and Project Development: Infrastructure in the 2023 IFLR1000 APAC Rankings. We are also ranked Tier 2 in Banking and Finance and Tier 3 in Capital Markets: Debt and Capital Markets: Equity. We congratulate our partners, To’ Puan Janet LooiPhua Pao YiiRichard KhooFariz Abdul AzizSheba GumisLee Ai Hsian, our consultant, Theresa Chong, and senior associateTan Wei Xian, for being recognised in the IFLR1000.
The 2023 IFLR1000 rankings rank firms and lawyers in China national, Southeast & Eastern Asia.

For more information, click here.
