Lee Quin examines a significant Federal Court decision on section 46(1) of the Trade Marks Act...
Yeong Hui examines the powers conferred on enforcement agencies under the Anti-Money Laundering...
Vijay Raj explains the Federal Court’s decision on <em>locus standi.</em><br...
A primer on “worldwide injunctions” by Leong Wai Hong and Eyza Farizan Mokhtar.<br...
Lee Shih analyses the Federal Court decision in CIN Holdings Sdn Bhd.<br />
Wai Loon explains a recent landmark decision of the Federal Court on jurisdiction.<br />...
Tan Shi Wen and Syaida explain the proposed leniency regime under the Competition Act 2010<br ...
Sheba Gumis and Lee Ai Hsian continue our review of the Companies Bill 2013.<br />
Kok Chee Kheong revisits the landmark case of Salomon v Salomon.<br />