Legal seminar for Chinese enterprises and corporations based in Malaysia

In response to Malaysia government’s reiteration of Malaysia’s support of China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, Skrine cooperated with the relevant organisation and co-organised a legal seminar on 4 September 2018 for Chinese enterprises and corporations based in Malaysia. A total of 150 participants from various Chinese enterprises participated in the legal seminar.

Our panel speakers (including Claudia Cheah, Addy Herg, Bell Boo, Chin Wen-Ly and Lee Mei Hooi) presented in fluent Mandarin and shared their experience on the following topics: (i) commercial contractual dispute, (ii) environmental protection laws, (iii) tax laws, and (iv) employment laws. Participants exchanged their views and sought advice from the speakers regarding legal issues concerning their respective corporations. The legal seminar drew to a successful conclusion. We sincerely hope that the legal seminar contributed to the Chinese enterprises' understanding of relevant legal issues in Malaysia.
为了响应马来西亚在新政府之下强调对中国一带一路倡议的重视,思纪龄律师事务所(SKRINE)和有关单位合作,于2018年9月4日为在马来西亚注资的中资企业的各位代表举办了一场大型的法律座谈会。与会人数约有150人。思纪龄的诸位律师(即谢碧怡律师、贺钰豪律师、和秀婷律师 、陈文丽律师以及李美惠律师)以流利的中文,就商业合同纠纷、环境保护、税法以及劳工法四大课题和与会者分享了心得和经验。在讲座会最后的问与答环节,中资企业的与会者更就自身关心的法律事宜与思纪龄的各位讲师以及律师们问答交流,场面反响热烈。思纪龄殷切地希望与会者都获益匪浅。