Mediation Seminar by the Malaysian International Mediation Centre (MIMC)

Our Foreign Lawyer Dr. Harald Sippel spoke on the suitability and usefulness of mediation in supply chain disputes at the Malaysian International Mediation Centre’s seminar.
Sharing the stage with Shanti Abraham, Sujatha Sekhar Naik, Tony Ngyen and Shannon Rajan, Harald focused highlighted that in an ESG supply chain dispute, there are typically many different stakeholders, from the procurer at the very top, potentially involving a series of companies in the supply chain, all the way to people affected by the breach of environmental or social standards. Mediation allows all stakeholders to come together at one time and focus on a solution-oriented outcome, that helps everyone and can potentially “undo” the harm done. This will almost always be a preferred outcome over determining who is to blame and getting monetary compensation only (although that is also important).