36th LAWASIA Conference 2023

LAWASIA and The Bar Association of India recently organised the 36th LAWASIA Conference in Bengaluru, India from 24 to 27 November 2023, and our partners, Selvamalar Alagaratnam, Jillian Chia, and Sara Lau were part of the event as panellists.
Selvamalar spoke on “Accelerating Trade in Asia-Pacific: Emerging Challenges” which discussed measures to strengthen trade links in the Asia-Pacific and to support greater economic and trade integration among countries in the region. Jillian’s panel discussed the topic of “Data protection, Data Breach and Data Theft” which covered some key data protection issues such as government accountability in respect of protection of personal data, data breach regimes and the adequacy of laws in dealing with emerging technologies such as AI, whereas Sara’s panel discussion focused on “Labour Rights in the Gig Economy” which explored the different approaches taken in each jurisdiction in respect of gig workers who continue to remain outside the traditional employer-employee relationship.
Skrine is honoured to be part of this year’s LAWASIA annual conference, which continues to serve as an important forum for sharing ideas, building professional networks, reinforcing shared professional values, advocating for the rule of law in varied jurisdictions, and advancing the status of the legal profession in the Asia Pacific.