Engy Tan Senior Associate

T +603 2081 3999 ext 866
E engy.tan@skrine.com


Engy Tan has wide range of experience in real estate matters, including lands disposal and acquisition, lease and tenancy, and joint venture for development of lands. She also has experience advising on private shares transaction and Sukuk issuance under the Lodge and Launch framework.



Key Practice Areas

  • Real Estate
  • Banking and Finance
  • Islamic Capital Markets

​Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Acted for a developer to purchase lands from DBKL.

  • Acted for a multinational company (“MNC”) to purchase and lease-back industrial land.

  • Acted for and advised a developer to complete the transfer of Bumi lots in a commercial development located in Selangor to non-Bumi purchasers.

  • Acted in the purchase of Malay Reserved Lands for land swapping purpose and provision of interest-free financing.

Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Acted for a MNC in the transfer of existing leases with a state corporation.

  • Acted for a MNC on their master and sub-tenancy agreements in a KL shopping mall.

  • Acted for MNCs in their tenancies or renewal of tenancies of premises in office blocks with a real estate investment holding company.

Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Acted for a MNC in a joint development of land in the State of Selangor with a gross development value estimated at approximately RM777 Million.

  • Acted for a MNC in a joint venture for land development in the State of Sarawak, of which the relevant agreements are drafted in dual language of English and Mandarin.

  • Acted for a foreign investor to advise on different structures in respect of its proposed acquisition of 18 parcels of land in the State of Malacca or shares in 18 private limited companies.

Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Drafted and advised on debenture and share charge as security for deferred payment of consideration under shares sale and purchase transactions.

  • Advised on Schedule K Moneylending Agreement (Secured Loan) and acted for a licenced moneylender in its lending of approximately RM10 Million, including drafting of land charge, assignment of designated account and receivables, and personal guarantees.

Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Acted for a company in its acquisition of shopping complex located in the State of Johor via strata units and shares purchase transaction.

  • Acted for a developer to acquire a company having a joint venture agreement with a local authority.

  • Drafted assets and liabilities purchase agreement to facilitate a company’s exit from an incorporated joint venture, and advised on reduction of share capital by private company.

Note: This list includes engagements completed prior to joining Skrine.

  • Drafted transaction documents for issuance of Sukuk Murabahah by a public limited company wholly-owned by a State Government under a 30-year Islamic medium term notes (“MTNs”) programme of up to RM10 Billion in nominal value, including drafting of supplemental agreements and letters relating to the resignation of a principal adviser and a lead arranger, and drafting of Mudharabah documents to facilitate utilisation of Sukuk proceeds by the issuer for its intercompany advances.

  • Drafted transaction documents for issuance of Sukuk Wakalah by a public listed company under a perpetual Islamic MTNs programme and a 7-year Islamic commercial papers (“CPs”) programme with a combined limit of up to RM500 Million in nominal value.

  • Drafted transaction documents for issuance of Sukuk Ijarah by a public listed company under a 7-year Islamic MTNs programme of up to RM130 Million in nominal value.

  • Drafted transaction documents for issuances by a development financial institution wholly-owned by a State Government under a 25-year MTNs programme and a 7-year CPs programme with a combined limit of up to RM3 Billion in nominal value.

  • Acted for a Sukuk Ijarah issuer to obtain the requisite sukukholders’ approval for obtaining new financings due to a restriction against further debt incurrence in the relevant Trust Deed.

  • Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Malaya (2015)
  • Certificate in Legal Practice (2014)
  • LL.B, Cardiff University (2013)

  • Co-author, “Homebuyer Tribunal’s Jurisdiction Limited; Homebuyers Beware! What You See May Not Be What You Get”, Skrine Alerts (June 2022).
  • Speaker, Case Study on Short Term Rental and Filing of Claims with Strata Management Tribunal (part of ‘Understanding Strata Management for Joint Management Bodies & Management Corporations’) organised by the Hartamas Academy (September 2021).