Webinar: 后疫情下的马来西亚 – 如何将挑战变成投资机会?(Post Covid-19 in Malaysia – How to Turn Challenges to Opportunities?)

在这次的网络研讨会里,我们将讨论一系列有关在马来西亚经商的课题,其中包括法律实体的设立、雇佣、劳资及诉讼和仲裁的业务等方面的问题。此研讨会也特别邀请吉隆玻投资促进局 (InvestKL)之中国特别通道投资关系经理张潓莹女士以及马来西亚普华永道总监林志强先生作为主讲嘉宾,针对新冠肺炎后可能存在于马来西亚的商业机会和中资特别通道在这方面所能提供的服务和管道、有关马来西亚的税收和征税制度以及税收优惠方面应该注意的关键事项,与大家展开讨论。


This webinar discussed a series of topics in regards to doing business in Malaysia, including the Malaysia legal framework such as setting up companies, labour law and dispute resolutions etc. This webinar invited Ms. Nathalie Chong, manager of InvestKL’s China Special Channel (CSC) and Mr. Lim Chee Keong, director of PwC Malaysia and discussed with our audience the potential investment opportunities post-COVID19 in Malaysia and the role of CSC in this aspect, the taxation system as well as the incentives and key tax considerations in Malaysia.