We have a comprehensive and structured programme to provide pupils with the necessary skills to qualify as well-rounded professionals. Through our system of mentoring with senior practitioners, pupils will gain insight into the fundamentals of a vibrant and successful legal practice.
Our programme for pupils is geared towards inculcating the following:-
- Constant and continuous legal training and education.
- Giving experience in the practice of law in various areas.
- Participation in Bar activities, social events and sports.
- Performing pro bono work and utilising legal skills to give back to society.
We believe that our programme adds value by possessing the following significant advantages:-
- A system of mentoring with senior lawyers who are specialists in their fields. You will be seated at a workstation near your pupil-master or mentor. This allows for better interaction and learning.
- A rotation system between two practice areas.
- Opportunities to attend conferences with a conference allowance provided.
- A dedicated Professional Development programme with talks and training for our pupils.
- Early exposure to local and international work.
- Early exposure to a wide range of practice areas as we are a full-service firm.
We take up to 20 - 25 pupils at any point in time.
here to see our event page.