Following from the announcement by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department on 10 March 2023
1, the Minister of Finance of Malaysia has issued a notice on 15 May 2023 to formalise the revocation of 1 April 2023 as the commencement date for the imposition of sales tax on low valued goods sold online that are brought into Malaysia (‘
subject goods’).
2 The new commencement date for the imposition of sales tax on the subject goods will be announced at a later date.
This is the second time that the commencement date for the imposition of sales tax on the subject goods has been deferred as the original implementation date had previously been deferred from 1 January 2023 to 1 April 2023.
Our write-up on the main requirements relating to the imposition of sales tax on the subject goods under the Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 2022
4 while the latter was a Parliamentary Bill can be read
Alert by Amanda Swee Lin Hollow (Associate) of the Corporate Practice of Skrine.