”), first tabled on 15 December 2021, was passed by the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) on 20 July 2022 after a heated debate that witnessed (ironically) sexist remarks being hurled in raised voices across the floor of the august House.
As the Bill continues its legislative journey to the Dewan Negara (Senate), we shall examine the key features of this groundbreaking legislation.
In gist, the Bill allows a sexual harassment survivor to seek compensation or damages from the perpetrator by making a complaint to the Tribunal of Anti-Sexual Harassment (“
”). The Bill makes non-compliance of an award handed down by the Tribunal a criminal offence. Broadly, the Bill establishes:
The Bill will introduce a new quasi-judicial body to deal specifically with sexual harassment complaints which can be brought by any person. This is likely to result in a complete change in the manner sexual harassment complaints are dealt with in the future. The fact that a hearing before the Tribunal will be conducted behind closed doors will be an added advantage to survivors of sexual harassment who are traumatised and wish to avoid the stigma associated with the harassment, or who for any reason wish to keep their identity confidential. It is also beneficial to persons accused of perpetrating the harassment as it protects their reputation which could otherwise be tarnished regardless of the findings of the Tribunal.
This is a positive development and is in stark contrast with the recent amendments to the EA 1955 under the Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 (“
E(A)A 2022”) (which reportedly, will come into operation on 1 September 2022
20) that only includes a cosmetic change of requiring the employer to exhibit a notice at the place of employment to raise awareness of sexual harassment.
21 Further, the amendments under the E(A)A 2022 are likely to limit the applicability of the sexual harassment complaint mechanism under the EA 1955
22 only to employees who fall within the definition of “employee” under the EA 1955.
23 The Bill may be able to compensate for the shortcomings of the amendments under the E(A)A 2022 and provide a legal recourse to all levels of employees who have experienced sexual harassment in a workplace, and in fact is not limited to harassment in the workplace but all aspects of everyday living.
The expansion of the definition of sexual harassment to conduct that is “
reasonably” offensive or humiliating will introduce an objective element and allows changing societal norms to be accommodated.
Since the landmark Federal Court decision of
Mohd Ridzwan bin Abdul Razak v Asmah bt Hj Mohd Nor [2016] 4 MLJ 282, a sexual harassment survivor now has the option of commencing a tortious claim in the civil court. The establishment of the Tribunal provides an alternate course of action.
While the Tribunal may offer a speedier outcome, the complainant is not allowed to be represented by a legal representative during the hearing before the Tribunal unless the matter involves complex issues of law. The lack of an automatic right to legal representation may prove a deterrent for a survivor of sexual harassment who does not wish to face the perpetrator or who is not equipped to manage the different aspects of a hearing without legal counsel.
The exclusion of the jurisdiction of the courts also causes complications. One immediate difficulty that may be envisaged is a situation where sexual harassment forms the basis of a representation of dismissal without just cause or excuse pursuant to section 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967. Currently, an employee whose complaint(s) of harassment is/are not properly addressed may consider his/her contract of employment to be breached and on that ground initiate a constructive dismissal action which will be heard and disposed of by the Industrial Court. The Industrial Court is only empowered to grant backwages together with reinstatement to the former employment or compensation in lieu of reinstatement. In the Industrial Court, the survivor has no recourse to damages from the perpetrator. The right to make a complaint to the Tribunal to the exclusion of all other recourse would force a survivor of harassment in the workplace to make the difficult choice between pressing his/her rights as an employee pursuant to the jurisprudence of employment law or seeking damages (which in any event is limited to RM250,000) against the perpetrator via the Tribunal but not both, when in fact the complaint is vastly different – in the former case, the respondent is the employer who is accused of not protecting the employee whereas in the latter case, the respondent is the perpetrator of the harassment. It is suggested that this shortcoming be overcome by allowing the sexual harassment survivor to pursue his/her claim in the Industrial Court as well as under the proposed new law.
The introduction of the office of the Administrator is likely to have no real effect in combating sexual harassment as the functions of the Administrator could be undertaken by the Minister or delegated to an officer from the Ministry.
Lastly, there are concerns with leaving complaints of sexual harassments solely to the Tribunal particularly since the Tribunal is allowed to set its own procedures, as sexual harassment claims are likely to involve evaluation of evidence which may be better dealt with by a judge.
Commentary by Selvamalar Alagaratnam (Partner) and Teng Wei Hun (Associate) of the Employment Law Practice Group of Skrine.
2 Section 2 of the EA 1955 defines sexual harassment as “
any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, visual, gestural or physical, directed at a person which is offensive or humiliating or is a threat to his well-being, arising out of and in the course of his employment”.
6 Clause 7 of the Bill read together with the Amendment in Committee to the said clause.
8 Clause 13(2) of the Bill read together with the Amendment in Committee to the said clause.
9 Clause 13(3) of the Bill.
10 Clause 14 of the Bill.
12 Clause 16 of the Bill.
13 Clause 19 of the Bill.
14 Clause 22 of the Bill.
15 Clause 21 of the Bill.
16 Clause 23(1) of the Bill.
18 Clause 23(2) of the Bill.
19 Clauses 24 and 25 of the Bill.
20 According to the Deputy Minister of Human Resources, Datuk Awang Hashim, the E(A)A 2022 which was gazetted on 10 May 2022, will come into operation on 1 September 2022 (see
‘Employees can apply for flexible work arrangements, says Awang Hashim’,
Star Online, 23 June 2022).
21 Section 81H of EA 1955 (introduced pursuant to the E(A)A 2022).
22 Sections 81A to 81E of the EA 1955.
23 Employees whose wages do not exceed RM2,000 a month; or irrespective of the amount of wages earned in a month, (a) are engaged as manual labourers or supervisors of manual labourers; (b) are engaged in the operation or maintenance of any mechanically propelled vehicle operated for the transport of passengers or goods or for reward or for commercial purposes; or (c) are engaged as a domestic servant.